In response to black_sluggard's meme post.

May 05, 2012 22:34

1. If you could have any single superpower/magical talent/psychic ability, what would you want and why?
Super-intelligence. I think I'm pretty smart, and I enjoy the hell out of my intelligence as it is. I think if I was even smarter, it would be even more fun. I'd know things. Stuff would make more sense to me. I could impress people more at parties. Because with my smarts, I'd immediately bend my mind to figuring out social skills and human psychology. And then I'd start to do stuff that would help a lot of people. None of this 'saving one at a time' crap. No, I'd change the whole frelling world.

2. If you could change one tangible fact about the world or humanity (the color of the sky, the strength of gravity, number of moons, which gender(s) give(s) birth, what Cherry Cola tastes like, where Iceland is located, etc) to try and make the world a better place, what would you change, and why do you think it would help?
More uniform distribution of moisture and free water. I think it would increase crop yields, reduce drought effects, reduce flooding, reduce competition for water access, increase arable land, decrease the chances of famine ... etc. We could increase the world's population another notch, though I'd rather see an increase in overall standard of living.

3. If you could invite three fictional characters to your next birthday party, who would they be?
God (I'll take Jesus Christ if God's not available), Lucifer/Satan, and Loki. Then just sit back and watch! Oh, you mean fictional like out of a book? OH! Okay. Let me think. Hm. Sherlock Holmes, the Doctor, and Adrien Veidt. And then I'd have a nice, long talk with them about the nature of reality.

4. If you could choose to have become interested in one thing (an activity, a subject, a future, a fandom, whatever) earlier than you did in reality, what would it be?
The activity of being single, or getting divorced.

5. If you could perform a single action or deed with complete impunity (you automatically succeed, no consequences to yourself, no one ever knows it was you) what would you choose to do?
Kill my ex. I know I ought to be thinking bigger than that, but ... well. Maybe win the lottery or something like that.

6. Did you believe in the bogeyman as a kid? If you did, what did he look like. If you didn't, was there something else similar you believed in?
No, didn't believe in the bogeyman. I believed that pissing off my parents would get me in heaps of trouble.

7. If you could bring a single animated character to life, who would it be?
Does CGI count? Aslan. Because a talking lion with the wisdom of a god is just too cool to pass up.

8. You and any celebrity. It's a date, they have to say yes. Who do you ask and what do you do together?
Zachary Quinto. We go to a park on a nice day, have a picnic, lay on the blanket and talk for hours and hours, while I get to look at him the whole time! And I'd ask him about Milo (whom I think is sexier - and not gay - but probably less interesting as a person). And at some point, I'd have him kiss me (just chaste, because he's not into women, but ... I wouldn't be able to pass that up, and you said it was a 'date').

9. You have one "Get out of Canon Free" card to change/retcon/rewrite any single plot point of any single show/movie/book. What do you change?
The cancellation of Firefly. Oh, dang, that's not a plot point? Fine. The transporter crap plothole of Star Trek. Dangit, that's a recurring thing, not a single plot point. Well ... the death of Adam Monroe? I dunno, that's a toughie for just a single plot point. Maybe the death of Tasha Yar, because that killed Trek for me. I lost interest in it and have yet to regain it. Or maybe I'd kill Jar-Jar ... wait, no! I've got it! I would throw down the Midichlorian Heresy! No more would little particle crap in your bloodstream have ANYTHING to do with using the Force! Yes! That's the answer. That's my final answer.

10. If you could gain any mundane talent you don't now possess (dancing ability, singing voice, artistic talent, a knack for language/math/physics) what would you ask for?
The ability to draw, free-hand, beautifully, easily, quickly and well. Especially people.

11. Aaaand because I've run out of interesting questions... Who is your favorite cartoon character?

livejournal, mundane stuff

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