Last night's very long links-read

Apr 20, 2012 12:37

Last night I read a lot.

Someone named Zuska has a science blog. She defined mansplaining and invited her readers to comment with examples of mansplaining. She was very clear that argument about the existence of mansplaining, whether it was a false feminist construct, etc. were welcome in *other* threads, but not this one. It's like if you have a thread about rape stories, and you say that discussions of how men are sometimes falsely accused of rape should happen somewhere else, because you want **this** thread to be about rape stories. What happens? Of course people clog up the thread with arguments about the incidence of false accusations. But for the mansplaining, it was especially ironic to have MEN clog up the thread EXPLAINING how mansplaining worked and didn't work. It was a hilarious and horrifying read that I couldn't put down last night. In it's full glory, it's here:

Zuska finally set up another thread titled "Men who can't follow directions from women" and moved the repetitive mansplanations to it.

The thread contained a lot of good links to other stuff that I pursued with interest. Here's a book I'm going to buy on rhetoric, The Gentle Art of Verbal Self Defense.

And here is Rebecca Solnit's article about how Men Explain Things To Me.

"Thinking about the "men do this to other men" trope -- yes, but only to men they assume they can dominate socially. Problem is, for many men, *all* women are men they assume they can dominate socially. " - Virginia O'Possum.


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