To do.

Apr 12, 2012 18:17

What to do tonight and tomorrow?

I've had this lethargy all week, because the three probable job offers fell through for different reasons. Highly frustrating. Company A said they were "going to explore other directions", which means they're done with me, thanks for applying. Company B said they "wanted to interview other candidates, but you're still an option", which is pretty much the same thing. The contract-to-hire position is still trying to get traction, as the hiring manager at the company has been out, and the recruiter has been sick, so between the two, nothing has happened.

Also, I have been stymied on getting Shattered Salvation restarted, due apparently to a mental hookup over Gabriel telling Peter everything was okay. And damn it, I didn't want it all to be okay! I wanted to milk that plot event for some more drama!!! The next couple chapters in my head were all about that drama!!! Thank God (I guess) I reread, or I might have missed that it was all "okay". And it was such a bald-faced statement, said to someone with lie detection, that it's damn hard to retract. And so my muse has been stuck in a rut.

In the meantime, I spent a day buried in posts about role play and another watching Blade Runner. And surfing the web. Or at least it's felt that way. I don't even know what I did the other days, but I'm sure it wasn't productive.

Tomorrow? Let's get some shit done!
  • Mulch the front circle, damn it.
  • Apply to new jobs. It's not hard, I just have psychological issues.
  • Write smut. It's at least productive. Maybe it will get me started.
  • Clean the house up, because that writer's group is coming over.
  • Check out WIC qualification.
And that's it. Short list. Should be easy, right?

mundane stuff

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