Below are three really great TED talks on the absurdity of the entertainment industry's claims about their supposed "need" for copyright protection, and their shaming of those who disagree with them. The first is short and highlights the ridiculousness of the numbers they use. The next shows how remixing is a staple of creativity in our culture and perhaps in human nature, and touches on how the entertainment industry's monopoly is stifling us. The last proves that innovation, sales and profits can flourish in creative endeavors without copyright protection. Check these out!
“The $8 billion iPod” (5 min)
A talk about the ridiculousness of the math being presented by the entertainment industry in defense of their copyrights. “How creativity is being strangled by the law” (19 min)
A talk about fanworks as they relate to the creative commons and culture at large, and how the law and entertainment industry has reacted. “Lessons from fashion's free culture” (16 min)
A talk about how the fashion industry survives without copyright protection laws.