My goal: to defeat writer's block

Feb 25, 2012 14:41

So, my main goal this weekend, as far as writing goes, is to beat the crap out of writer's block. I have two projects aching to be finished. One is Forgotten Faces, a horror-esque fic for a sharp_teeth prompt. A few minutes ago, I finished that and sent it off to a beta for a second opinion, so I'm really happy right now. My next project is the Missing Scenes Fic-a-thon for heroes_faves, where I picked Maya of all characters, specifically because I knew she'd be a huge challenge. Gah! I need to stop picking things I *know* are going to be tough! I think the fic only needs to be 500 words long, but ... Maya. Yeah. So.

I've already knocked out my unread emails and beta'ing someone else's fic for them. So I have the Missing Scenes thing, I have the rewatch tomorrow, and I'm going out to the club tonight. If I get some spare time, I need to reread Wall Verse from the beginning because that's my next writing project - continuing and finishing that. I'll probably post my last Bricks in the Wall entry. Maybe do that tomorrow.

Nothing else exciting going on. I don't have the kids, so it's just me, boxing gloves and writer's block - going at it!

writer's block, writing issues, mundane stuff

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