Sometimes I have to see something time after time for it to register with me. Today I've seen a bunch of things that I find upsetting.
Principle bankroller of Rick Santorum, presidential candidate, saying that in his day,
birth control consisted solely of abstinence and that was good enough for him.
very modestly dressed woman at Brigham Young University was handed a note by a male student criticizing her attire as dishonorable. The crime? Skirt an inch or two above the knee (with full length stockings on underneath).
Virginia legislature passes both personhood bill and bill requiring mandatory intravaginal ultrasound for women seeking abortions. The personhood bill makes illegal emergency contraception and the day-after pill. The other means that instead of having an intravaginal ultrasound that's medical necessary to determine fetal age, followed by an abortion, a woman has an intravaginal ultrasound for no reason other than to display to her the developing fetus. Then she has to wait for several days and return to the abortion clinic where she will have the normal, medically necessary intravaginal ultrasound followed by an abortion. Of course the first trip has to be paid for by someone. Who do you think that will be, hm? This, by the way, fits the legal definition of rape - vaginal insertion, without consent, under coercion, as a condition of receiving medical treatment.
Oklahoma senate passes
personhood bill as well, which will similarly outlaw the 'morning after pill' and halt in vitro fertilization.
Here an all-male panel of "witnesses" testifies before Congress about how they felt President Obama's desire to allow health insurance companies and employers to decide whether to cover birth control (rather than allowing religious institutions to do so) infringes on their "religious freedom". Although two of the female congresspeople walked out in protest for not being allowed to include female witnesses who might have experiences that related to birth control, the hearings continued.
And I can't find the article I read, but basically all of the remaining Republican candidates for president have signed the Family Leader Pledge/Marriage Vow, which states their disapproval of porn, birth control and same-sex marriage.
Rachel Maddow talks about this far more eloquently than I could, on
Feb. 14 and
Feb. 15.
And now I have got, GOT to go to sleep.