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means2bhuman February 12 2012, 10:10:26 UTC
"he'd stumbled across an important memory of Nathan's that made him start believing Peter's assertions about the nature of the world. In the memory, Nathan Petrelli had gone with Matt Parkman to confront Matt's father, and been tricked into thinking he was in a hell of his own making. Interestingly, Nathan's hell also had him alone, and hoping for Peter's presence, but horrified to find only his own disfigured face haunting him." -- How did I forget that?! How?! That throws canon into a bit of a knot, doesn't it? If Nathan's that prevalent in Sylar's mind to be freaking quoting the guy, then he'd have pinged on that thought....years earlier. I still remember how damn freaky that Nathan/Nathan scene was, just uber creepy and scary almost out of proportion with the show. Of course, knowing Sylar, he might have ignored it (the memory) anyway as there are benefits to being behind the Wall, now that Peter's there: "He thought about how he'd wanted to cling to the dream once he'd realized Peter was there with him. He wasn't sure he wanted out - not now. Not with Peter cleaving close to him and holding him tight.".

I'm cuddling the Peter!grooming and cuddling, so you know. Even though you can't tell much from Sylar's thought patterns (as in, he's not thinking "Oh God, that feels so good having my hair petted" in an outright way), I get the sense that you knew that Sylar was drinking it up.

"They already have." -- That's powerful. Hey...I'm just getting the subtext now, I didn't at first - abilities, namely astral clairvoyance (Angela's and/or Isaac's abilities).

"Peter derailed them with his ever-direct manner" --For me this was a moment of cuteness. Peter being almost annoying (if well-meaning). And that Sylar's wrapped up in his own head.

"In here. It's still happening. Get it out. Make it something normal, like all the rest of your past. Stop hiding it. It's ugly, but pretending it's not there isn't going to make it go away." -- I felt a lot for this meaning because on the rare time I had a nightmare bad enough, as a child, to speak about it, my mom would say something similar. "Talk about it, get it out." It works. It was extra touching to see Peter saying something I know for a fact to be true, or at least helpful and comforting.

"What, tell him what sort of damaged goods I am? What good would that do? He wouldn't want me anymore. He'd be disgusted with me. He didn't want to explain his fears. They made him sound weak and scarred by the past. People liked the façade of invincibility. When they saw the humanity underneath, they turned away in disdain, lip curled in disgust. He'd seen it far too many times." --Love the almost underlying sense of 'Hell no' in there.

"Peter, you'd make out with anyone!" Sylar squawked, well aware from Nathan's memories of Peter's plethora of partners during his college years at least." -- Ha! I've been wondering of late how many/how often Nathan got to meet or see Peter's "girlfriends" and how often he saw Peter being clingy/romantic/fluffy/touchy-feely on a partner. I think we said Peter never, ever introduced a male partner, even to Nathan (who was kind of in on it). I guess because we've already established that Nathan *did* see enough to get some kind of picture of Peter romantically in MBU, I'm wondering how much he actually knew, though.


game_byrd February 12 2012, 22:30:39 UTC
How did I forget that?! How?! That throws canon into a bit of a knot, doesn't it? If Nathan's that prevalent in Sylar's mind to be freaking quoting the guy, then he'd have pinged on that thought....years earlier. I still remember how damn freaky that Nathan/Nathan scene was, just uber creepy and scary almost out of proportion with the show. Of course, knowing Sylar, he might have ignored it (the memory) anyway as there are benefits to being behind the Wall, now that Peter's there
I don't think it's a big deal, either for canon or MBU. I think Matt may have trapped Sylar in the Wall with a condition that Sylar not understand or recognize that he's trapped in his own mind. Matt can easily push a thought and that's a simple one to weave into the general rules of the nightmare world. In fact, it's almost necessary because otherwise Sylar realizes this is all just a head-trip and a lot of the horror and loneliness goes away.

I'm cuddling the Peter!grooming and cuddling, so you know. Even though you can't tell much from Sylar's thought patterns (as in, he's not thinking "Oh God, that feels so good having my hair petted" in an outright way), I get the sense that you knew that Sylar was drinking it up.
It's odd, but I've written so much of Peter letting Sylar be the one doing the grooming and sucking up, but Peter seems more inclined to be doing it and Sylar basking in the attention. In canon, Peter's always shown as the one providing the affection, the kissing, the caressing and the caring. He's real active in it, even in non-sexual ways. He's the one reaching out to wipe away Claire's tears, or taking Hiro's hand when he thinks Hiro is going to die of a brain tumor.

In most of my writing, he's stand-offish about extending that to Sylar because Sylar killed Nathan and deep down inside, Peter (and Sylar) feel that the one who needs to be doing the sucking up in the relationship is Sylar. That's what I was having Maury allude to in that SS chapter Reported Reactions, that I won't publish. That will, eventually, turn around.

I'm very interested and eager to see how it turns out in MBU, how the dynamics settle out with a different person writing for Sylar! I'm real excited about that!

I've been wondering of late how many/how often Nathan got to meet or see Peter's "girlfriends" and how often he saw Peter being clingy/romantic/fluffy/touchy-feely on a partner. I think we said Peter never, ever introduced a male partner, even to Nathan (who was kind of in on it). I guess because we've already established that Nathan *did* see enough to get some kind of picture of Peter romantically in MBU, I'm wondering how much he actually knew, though.
In my head, with a non-incest-past like we have for MBU (but keeping other elements of the history the same), I figure Nathan saw 6-12 of Peter's female associates. Probably only half of those were women Peter was banging, because in my mind, I see Peter as being very comfortable with having female friends whom he is not currently putting moves on. (Just as I can see Nathan completely not understanding how that's possible.)

In my head-canon/fanon, Peter didn't bring but one of his girlfriends home to meet the parents. His dad had a short private talk with the girl, she was cold to Peter after that and broke up with him almost immediately. Peter didn't understand why at the time, but he blamed the conversation with his dad. If he ever thinks back to that now, yeah, his dad was over there working his mojo to de-select her as a potential partner for Peter. She didn't meet Arthur's standards, whatever those were. So after that, Peter dated as normal, but he didn't bring them home and he stayed subtly discouraged about getting serious with them - always a little afraid that they'd find out about his family and dump him like the first girl did. It's a part of why Peter stayed single.


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