Title: Things Unsaid
Characters: Peter Petrelli/Sylar
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Mild violence
Word count: ~2,800
Setting: The Wall. This is a companion piece to
Last Man On Earth and happens immediately after it.
Summary: Peter reacts to Sylar’s tender kiss and the realization of Sylar’s true feelings that comes with it.
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That is awesome! And yeah, it's essentially what's happening. Peter's getting emotional whiplash and is trying to reorient and keep up with the program.
I'm so glad to hear you're trying your hand at writing from Peter's POV!
It's easy to be brutal in writing the other's character because as the author you/I/whichever of us is the author here, knows what's going to happen next. I knew, for example, that I was setting it up for Peter to hit him, so I needed Sylar to deserve a decking. Plus this seemed like the sort of thing, the near-rejection of 'I need to think about this' that would set Sylar's insecurities to rampaging and his sarcasm to flapping his jaw defensively.
And hey, if we need a title for the series, you've just provided it!
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