Last night's Women's Kink Party

Dec 03, 2011 13:41

Way back in my college days, I knew a guy named Marc. He was cool and he was from a very wealthy family. He was given a large allotment of cash with which to support himself at college and was free to take whatever classes he wanted. It was acknowledged by his family that he needed to do nothing for the rest of his life, should he so desire. They were wealthy enough that he was assured of being able to support himself at a good/decent standard of living for the remainder of his years - maybe somewhere around $25-50,000 a year, without having to do anything to earn it. A good life, if you're lucky enough to be born into it. It was also an interesting study of human nature.

(As a tangent, I knew another guy in a similar situation, who was named Thor of all things, who was much more industrious, with the ambition of turning his parent's wealth into a staggering fortune as rapidly as possible in order to prove himself. I'd love to know today where these two guys are and how happy they are with their lives.)

Anyway, Marc's parents had purchased a house for him to live in while at college. It was horribly run down, but it was his and he could do with as he liked. It had three bedrooms. He attracted some roommates with the simple advertisement: "Free room. Don't be a dick." He had a killer sound system. There was usually a lot of free beer, drugs and munchies at his place. Most nights of the week, there was a half dozen or a dozen people over, hanging out and enjoying the place. Since I played in his Vampire game for a while, then he played in mine, I ended up over there quite a bit, too. We were just people hanging out.

One day I was talking to someone who asked me if I was going to Marc's party that night. I told them I didn't realize he was having a party and they said, "Oh yeah, he has parties all the time. I've seen you at a lot of them!" and I said, "No, I've never been to any of his parties." I knew about Marc's parties. He had two or three a year. They involved inviting over bands (he had Guar, or Gwar, or whatever at one of them and tried to swing Nine Inch Nails for another) and having a hundred people or more crashing around noisily, getting into trouble and getting the cops called. If he was having a party that night, then I would stay home. After a little more back and forth, I found out that what she called a 'party' was just the half dozen or dozen of us hanging out, talking, munching on stuff, and shooting the breeze.

It kind of blew my mind. *That* was a "party"? Color me a party animal, then!

I tell this story because of the women's kink party I went to last night. There were six of us there. Two women were a committed couple. One, the hostess for the evening, was in a monogamous/loyal relationship to another woman who wasn't there. One was in transition, either female to male or male to female, I didn't catch which. The other was unattached and made eyes at me several times that night, and moved over to sit next to me as the evening wore on. And then there was me.

We had a great time talking. We talked about kids' names. We talked about people's energy levels, being an empath or not, how that related to being into kink or not, and how that factored into sexual orientation. We talked about people's jobs. We talked about how open society is or is not to kink. They talked a lot about various surgeries people they knew had had. We talked about cancer and belly dancing and how threatening or not a guy was who was in drag, who identified as male but was in female mode. Mostly they talked and I listened.

I'm getting more comfortable there and figuring out who is who and what's normal. I suppose it was a party. I might even find friends there. The gal who was making eyes at me? OMG, it's so cool to be wanted, but I seriously doubt that's going to go anywhere. I left before I got too tired to drive home. By then, the committed couple had gone into the play area/dungeon/place where they get naked and have sex, but as they were a couple of women, I didn't go check to see what they were up to.

The women's kink party had been recommended to me by one of the kinksters as a good/safe place for me to get comfortable without having to face any of my issues with men. It's doing that job. I was happy with spending my time and money there (not that it's all that expensive).

mundane stuff, kink

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