Boom Watch, Day 8

Aug 24, 2011 22:07

Complete failure. Nothing written.

(For the Boom at least. I wrote 1200 words of sequel to the Pillow Fight I wrote yesterday, but I'm going to integrate that with the follow up to Wall Verse Shorts, as a memory that Sylar contemplates while Peter is avoiding him after he slugged him in the last chapter.)

As for Boom, I reread what I wrote after the "bad guys" get a hold of Peter and think I might rewrite that whole section. Beta said it would be better if the bad guys were more bad, so I'd skewed the recent part that way, but the bad guys being bad or not really isn't part of the story. At least, it's unimportant. I think I might cut that whole bit and segue directly from Peter getting caught to Peter being thrown in with Claire. And for that, there's a couple ways to go ... they could both be in restraints, or they could both be free. I'm not sure which is more dramatic and suitable for how things are. I think I'll go take a nice warm bath and think about it, then get some sleep tonight.

If I'm lucky, I can make it up tomorrow.

big boom 1

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