Week Z Submissions

Aug 07, 2011 09:29

ATTENTION: Don't forget to vote for Week L's icons here by later tonight at 10:00 PM EST. We still need a lot more votes to meet the minimum participation requirement and avoid an extension!


This week's letter is...


Z Characters | Z Games | Z Words

And the featured visuals are:

Note: You don't have to use the following images or even these characters etc. they've just been provided for additional inspiration. Click the thumbnails to view larger versions.

1. Zappa (with S-Ko) from Guilty Gear XX Accent Core
2. Zelenin from Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey
3. Zemus from Final Fantasy IV
4. Zhen Ji from Dynasty Warriors 6
5. Zora from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D

Please use the following format for submission. Include the icon, url, source (video game the icon came from), and how the challenge letter relates to your icon. You may submit up to two different icons and your submission should look something like this:

Your Icon:

Icon URL: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/wildmagic/yamamurasadako_gameabc.png
Persona 3: FES // G is for Game ABC

[any additional information or credits]

Community icon by yamamurasadako

Icons are due by Friday, August 12th 19th at 10:00 PM EST. Best of luck to all participants!

And remember that each icon you enter earns a set number of cards for TCG Exchange if you choose to participate there.
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