Week L Submissions

Jul 29, 2011 08:14

This week's letter is...


L Characters | L Games | L Words

And the featured visuals are:

Note: You don't have to use the following images or even these characters/objects, they've just been provided for additional inspiration. Click the thumbnails to view larger versions.

1. Larsa from Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings
2. Leon from Resident Evil 4
3. Lilith from Cross Edge (Darkstalkers)
4. Ling Xiaoyu from Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion
5. Luigi's Mansion from Luigi's Mansion

Please use the following format for submission. Include the icon, url, source (video game the icon came from), and how the challenge letter relates to your icon. You may submit up to two different icons and your submission should look something like this:

Your Icon:

Icon URL: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v205/wildmagic/yamamurasadako_gameabc.png
Persona 3: FES // G is for Game ABC

[any additional information or credits]

Community icon by yamamurasadako

Icons are due by 10:00 PM EST on Friday, August 5th. Best of luck to all participants!

And remember that each icon you enter earns a set number of cards for TCG Exchange if you choose to participate there.
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