Jan 05, 2008 05:13
Age: 15
DOB: 6/9/88 (Gemini!)
Blood Type: O
Height: 164 cm (about 5'5")
B/W/H: 83/56/79 cm
Eyes: they're uh, light brownish . . .
Hair: lighter than in her default icon. XD It's the same color as Chisame's, so like, light redhead.
Medical Info: nothing extraordinary! She's a cheerleader so she's fit and I really doubt she's broken any bones, considering.
Physical traits: A very normal, cute, well-proportioned teenage girl! She changes her hairstyle sometimes, but it will always be in four pigtails. Just slightly different pigtails! (LIKE A FOUR-LEAF CLOVER GEDDIT)
What's Okay To Mention Around Him/Her: Don't tell her that Negi's a mage/about the magic abilities of her classmates, at least not yet. Hahah it's been a long time since I played a classmate who didn't know. XD
Abilities: BAAAAAAASICALLY none other than being athletic and energetic and other cheerleadery things! There is also the luck thing. We don't know exactly where it originates or how powerful it is (Akamatsu has just said that if she ever played the lottery, she'd be a very rich girl). We just know that she has SOME KIND OF INHERENT POWER when it comes to probability.
A SPECIAL NOTE ON THIS: Sakurako bets a lot! On fights and all sorts of competitions! And--she never loses once that we see. So HERE IS WHAT THIS MEANS. I'm totally willing to have her lose games to cheating or to people who are very skilled, because her semi-powers don't seem to cover that kind of thing? It's unclear XD So yeah, if you play poker against her and are very good or a cheat, you can win without much trouble (alternately, if it's funnier or you want your character to lose, she can MYSTERIOUSLY BEAT YOU too). And even if you play a game of pure chance, she's not going to win EVERY SINGLE TIME because her--thingie--isn't that strong (for example, they manage to navigate the magical maze using her luck powers, but then are locked out of the gate anyway when they get there). But she is going to win more often than is statistically probable.
This also means that if your character is having a public fight and Sakurako is around, I may PM you to ask who is going to win the fight so she can bet on them to win. If you don't know yet, would rather keep it a surprise, or would rather her not bet on your fight, that is TOTALLY COOL and I don't mind a bit! >D It's easy to work around, just let me know. I just wanted to mention that you may get PMs from me out of nowhere, because Sakurako loooooves betting on fights.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: YEAH SURE, PING ME AND WE'LL CHAT
Maim/Murder/Death: For crack, probably yes on death and no on maiming. Talk to me. KEEP IT CRACKY, KEEP IT SAFE
Cooking: She's pretty good! No Satsuki but she's capable.