Ghost Town; Part 1.00

Jun 28, 2009 22:31



The premise? Through breeding and maybe a few "accidents," get a town populated only by ghosts.

I don't know why people are hating on playable ghosts. I love them.

Our quest begins with two women!

The first is Monopoly Dryden. Insanity and white hair run in her family; she wants nothing more than to take over the world with her ghostly spawn. Even I am more than a little terrified of her.

Traits: Insane, Evil, Light Sleeper, Hopeless Romantic, Mean-Spirited
LTW: Become the Emperor of Evil
Lover of cookies and the color white

The second, Cassidy Jones. Throughout the game, I have come to think of her as a useless, whiny little harlot, and as such don't feel like telling you much about her!

Traits: Flirty, Hates the Outdoors, Commitment Issues, Perfectionist, Easily Impressed
LTW: Now I ain't sayin' she a gold digger, but...
Lover of mac 'n cheese and the color lime

Since the point of their existence is getting knocked up by some ghostly men, I send them scurrying to the cemetery posthaste. Cassidy, little outdoors-hating bitch that she is, promptly runs back home. Fine. I can deal.

Monopoly and I, being on task and not afraid of the wild outdoors, first come across this man. Basil is his name, and he is instantly on the list because he makes me think of Basil Fawlty. Monopoly thinks her life will be nothing but sunshine from here on.

But I'm sensing some compatibility issues.

Yeah, that ain't gonna happen. Shucks.

Although I'm not sure I can blame Basil, as he's faced with this. I told you she's scary

The first night was unsuccessful, and Monopoly woke up angry. She went into town to terrorize small children...

...while Cassidy picked lettuce from her teeth.

Poor kid. If you've seen her, it's too late for you.

"I'm going to beat on you..."

"...until my pal the Reaper comes to drag your sorry carcass into the netherworld. Capice?"

Later that night, Monopoly heads out to the graveyard again and goes exploring while she waits for the ghosties to come out. I don't know why she's complaining, she found a piece of plutonium.

The ghosts still aren't out by the time her misadventures in the catacombs are done, so she mocks their gravestones.

And the ghosts themselves, once they show up.

This boy over here is instantly on the list for thinking evil thoughts. Or perhaps he saw just Monopoly. Either works.

They swap tricks for scaring people, and I think that everything is going swimmingly.

Whatshisface wants to know why Monopoly is interested in a dead guy.

Monopoly replies that she just likes ghosts.

Whatshisface wonders if she'd still be interested in him if he was cremated.

Disapproving Lady disapproves. Watch out for her--she comes back.

Meanwhile, I sent Cassidy off to work, because she may as well be helpful. She joins the Business career, and her outfit looks stupid with her hat.

Monopoly spends the day reading in bed, until it's time to go out ghost-hunting again.

"I would stab you with my ninja skills..."

"Except you're dead."

"Six feet under, in fact!"

Monopoly claims this man as her own, seeing as how (a) he's the first man to let her get this far, and (b) he came up as "romantic interest," which didn't happen with any of the others! His name is Ransom Clavell. I like the cadence. Monopoly and Ransom...yeah, I could do that. They go steady.

Unfortunately Ransom is in too bad of a mood to do anything but flirt. Damn.

Cassidy burnt her waffles. I made her eat them anyway (How else will she learn?!).

I'm not sure Mono should be around knives.

But I do love her stink-eye. If left to her own devices, that's all she does.

Another nightly outing! Gaylord attempts to sneak past Monopoly...

But it's too late. She's seen him. As he's hungry, she invites him over. Ransom didn't come out, and you can't blame a girl for hedging her bets.

Look at that self-satisfied smile! She knows exactly what she's doing.

But it wasn't meant to be, as Gaylord vanished shortly thereafter.

Cassidy, being a gold-digging whore, invites over her rich boss Gunther Goth. He's ugly and old, and I stop those shenanigans immediately. Wait 'til he's dead, sweetheart.

Monopoly ventures once again into the graveyard. This ghost man randomly fainted; the little ghost girl was unruffled and stole his book.

Ransom wasn't out again, so Mono talked to his gravestone instead.

Disapproving Lady is out disapproving again. Monopoly's had enough of it.


Monopoly wins the ensuing fight handily. "THAT'S RIGHT, STAY DOWN, BITCH!"

Monopoly decides she needs to stay in shape so she is always assured victory over her nemeses. She has a bit of trouble--perhaps it's because she decided that her long formal gown was appropriate work-out gear.

The next night, we get Ransom to come over. PROGRESS! He hasn't come out the last six game-nights, so the relationship kind of stagnated. Monopoly thinks evil thoughts.

They were progressing wonderfully until he vanished.

So, we must wait another night.

Ransom at least had the decency to not disappear for a week again, but he is decidedly not in the mood.

He isn't the next night either. He thinks Monopoly is being "creepy." At this point, nearly 2 and a half weeks have progressed in-game, and I'm only still going after him out of sheer stubbornness.

Cassidy, knowing what Monopoly has been up to every night, advises against marriage. You'd think she was just looking out for her roommate, but no--Cassidy has constantly been rolling wants to flirt with Monopoly and make-out with Monopoly. WTF? Go mack on your old dead boss if you're bored and stop screwing up my plans!

Monopoly starts throwing up and I irrationally hope she somehow got pregnant through osmosis. But she didn't.

She's just been rummaging through the neighbor's garbage a lot.

I also just noticed how afraid she looks when she sleeps. Awww, poor baby!

The next night, we get Ransom ON THE BED!

The mood is ruined once they start talking...

...and Ransom quickly retreats to his happy place. COME ON! THIS IS GETTING RIDICULOUS!

Tired of Ransom and Monopoly's seemingly impossible relationship, I go send Cassidy trolling for men. This guy's thinking he's rich. Cassidy's thinking she's a gold digger. Excellent.

Monopoly, perhaps jealous of the ease at which the relationship progresses, does not approve.

She's watching them.

Monopoly decides to vent her anger on the local ghost population.


Both sims realize the other is evil...

...and they bond over their shared trait!

Then they start fighting.

Monopoly wins, of course.

In other news, That Guy is proposing to Cassidy.

Don't look so excited there, Cass.

Guess what the first thing Monopoly does once they're married?


Cassidy's LTW is to see her rich husband dead. I oblige her with a Husband Trap.

Monopoly comes out to watch.

And chat up Death.

Ransom is resurrected, and is now under my control, meaning I can make him have a baby whether he wants to or not!

So I do.

Ransom, bored, then goes off to play video games on the sweet-ass laptop he apparently had in his inventory the whole time. Now might be a good time to list his traits:

Ransom Dryden (nee Clavell) (He and Monopoly got married. I apparently took no screencaps!)

Traits: Absent-Minded, Flirty, Loner, Workaholic, Hopeless Romantic (How the fuck did I have so much trouble getting this dude in bed when he's both Flirty and a Hopeless Romantic?!)
LTW: Be a Forensic Specialist
Lover of Indie music, french toast, and the color irish cream

Apparently ghosts can get jobs in law enforcement, so I make Ransom go get a job.

An old lady mistakes him for her dead husband.

Ransom gets this a lot whenever he goes places.

Since he's a cop now, I make him ditch the mohawk in favor of something more professional. He's a looker, y/y?

After his first day at work, I make him clean all the toilets. Why?

His oh-so-pregnant wife is vomiting all over them. SUCCESS!

The ghost of Cassidy's husband, whose name I really don't feel like remembering, wanders out every night. I confuse him and Ransom quite a bit.

Mono realize she's pregnant, and promptly changes into her maternity gear. Which consists of a slip and...stiletto heels?

Cassidy is more excited about the baby than Monopoly is. Which is good, I suppose, because she'll be babysitting the brat.

I'm not sure that's safe if you're pregnant, Mono.

It's time for the baby, and Monopoly is all ready in her formal, easily-stained white dress. Smart choice there.

Monopoly comes out of the hospital looking like this. She's ENTHRALLED at the prospect of being saddled with this kid, clearly.

But, I'll give her some credit: when she came out of the hospital, she instantly got the "A GHOST!" action, but she waited through the cab ride, until she got home and climbed upstairs and put the kid in the crib before freaking out.

And so I present to you, Othello Dryden. He only took 4 weeks of in-game time to get. Kid better be a fucking rocket scientist.

Next time: The takeover continues!

ghosts, sims

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