Aug 30, 2003 14:43

every one has to go here before reading!!!!!!!!!!!


Yoshimi - "Happy Beauty"
Sponsored by www.life-blood.cjb.net

What would your Japanese name be? (female)
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The ULTIMATE personality test
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You have a surprise kiss! Your partner is always
pleasantly pleased to have you jump outta no
where to dote them with a fun peck on the cheek
or more passionate embrace. super markets and
work places are your favorite places to attack
your loved one with all your love =p

What kind of kiss are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

You should be dating an Aries.
21 March - 19 April
This person is a leader, very energetic, always
helping others to achieve their dreams. Though
at times, Aries can be be bossy, jealous, and
selfish, this ram enjoys sexy new challenges in

What Zodiac Sign Are You Attracted To?
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Goddess of winter, with a cold exterior but deep
down a warm, caring heart.

What element would you rein over? (For Girls)
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Your Heart is Blue

What Color is Your Heart?
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You are Aurora from Sleeping Beauty!

What Disney Princess are you?
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Your: Wondering eyes. Your not quite focused and
your quite the day dreamer. Your a bit odd and
as many say "Your head is in the

What type of eyes do you have?
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You are Peace.

You are at peace with your self and the world
around you. You have balance in your life and
exude tranquility from every pore of your body.
People are constantly asking you "what is
your secret?"

What Emotion Are You?
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you want to bring darkness to the world and enslave
everybody. you go boy!

WHiCH SouL CaLiBuR 2 CHaRaCTeR aRe You?
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You are Heather Morris/Cheryl Mason/Alessa
Gillespie! Yup, they're all the same person.
You are the protagonist of the game, draw into
the dark world of Silent Hill. You're sweet at
times, but you can fire up when necesarry.

Quote: "Is this a dream? It's got to be. Not
even a kid could believe in this. But when am I
going to wake up?"

What Silent Hill 3 Character are You?
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You're a YORKIE! You're big, chunky, hunky, yummy
and totally masculine. The slogan not for girls
is totally true for you. Are you gay or are you
female? But really you are totally popular and
are totally worth your price! You are one of
the best choccy bars around. (Some would say;)

What chocolate bar are you?
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