Sep 01, 2015 17:32
It’s hard to believe that exactly 1 year ago today, Teffy and I were talking to each other for the last time.
We had both just gotten home from work and I remember her being in really good spirits, which was nice because she had been down for the couple months prior to that. She’d been really stressed out about some things. But that night she’d seemed to have let the stress and anxiety go and was having fun joking around about how expensive Takarazuka stuff could be (we both had applied for tickets to Takarauka’s Sports Day and we had both been trying to figure exactly how many Gustav tickets we wanted to commit to just in case Kitarou was going to taidan). She was also going to go to Hiroka Yu’s ochakai with me in a month and was modelling outfits for it.
I also remember that she was really excited about helping her students make posters for their Culture Festival. I was happy about that too because I knew her school transfer had been hard on her and that she missed the students she had taught at the old school. But she seemed to be connecting with these new students and I was glad for it. She’d been struggling to find a career that would make her happy when we both lived back in the US and I was glad that being a teacher seemed to have called to her. I had had hopes that she would continue on as a teacher back in the US when it was time for us both to leave Japan.
We talked on Skype before moving to Line for a couple hours and then at 10:20pm we said goodbye.
I’m really grateful for that last conversation and that the last time we spoke she was so happy and looking forward to things. Though I know things weren’t great for her that last year and she was stressed out and trouble by some stuff, but I had seven great years with her and for most of those 7 years she was happy and we had great times together.
And though I miss her a lot and that hurts, I’m grateful that I get to remember her joking and laughing at the very end of our time together. <3