Revelation 17:10 and they are seven kings; five have fallen, one is, the other has not yet come; and when he comes, he must remain a little while.
Revelation 17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goes into perdition.
From Wiki: The Group of 7 (G7), is a group consisting of the finance ministers and central bank governors of seven advanced economies : Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States meeting to discuss primarily economic issues. The European Union is also represented within the G7 (
From Wiki: The Group of Eight (G8) was the name of a forum for the governments of a group of eight leading industrialised countries, that was originally formed by six leading industrialised countries and subsequently extended with two additional members.[1] Russia, which was invited to join as the last member (#8), was excluded from the forum by the other members on March 24, 2014 as a result of its involvement in the 2014 Crimea crisis in Ukraine. (
The Bible showed clearly that Putin (King#8) is the Beast who comes to finish this world.
Revelation 11:7
When they have finished their testimony (about seven Kings), the beast that comes up from the bottomless pit will wage war against them, conquer them, and kill them.
And see later (Rev 17:12-13) when 10 Kings appeared (+2 more countries? China, I assume, and one more):
Revelation 17:13 They have one purpose: to give their power and authority to the beast.
Revelation 17:14 These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful.
Happy Easter!!! God will defeat the beast!