MY BRAND!!! *SQUEE* And a tattoo party!

Dec 14, 2009 19:16

So here's the brand, 48 hrs later:

And Milo the artist? AWESOME. Pagan, kinky, poly, and a GREAT artist. Besides branding he also does tattooing and piercing. Just the all-around body mod go-to guy. He's actually allowed to touch my back - I'll be getting some ink in January.

Here's how - HE'S COMING TO BR! I don't have to haul my ass back to Dallas! *squee* We're doing a tattoo party! A bunch of us are getting together, having fun, kicking back, and getting inked surrounded by friends. He's coming specifically for this. I'm SO psyched!!!

Interested in getting inked in a quieter, more private setting? Want an artist who gets the kinky/pagan/poly symbol you want? Just looking for a great artist at a great price? Drop me a line and come to the party!

Want to see a portfolio? He's "gotkoolaid" on FL, and he's also at . Check his stuff out! The stuff he does with black light ink is cool as hell. Prices are a flat $50 an hour. Which kicks ASS, people. Great rates! I might be able to get my back finished!!!

Hope to see y'all there!
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