My opinion on movies that you saw 8 months ago.

Jan 14, 2010 14:26

I went to the video store for the first time in... well quite a while and picked up some movies.

I had originally wanted to see the second Transformers movie, but I couldn't find it amidst the crowed of copycat movies.

"Transmorphers... Transformer (sans the final "s")... Transchangers... Transgendered Robots... forget it, I'll just see if they have a James Bond move..."

James Bond: The Quantum of Solace:

I think that they filmed this one about a week after Casino Royale and just waited a year or two to release it. I liked Casino Royale. This one... well... it worked as a sequel. I was interested in finding out about the evil Cartel that was trying to take over the world, or whatever they are doing. You know, stealing South American water supplies. Whatever.

Everything else was like, "whatever". Maybe they should just make a movie that is 90% M and 10% Bond. That might be more interesting.

Also, the opening for the new movie managed to contain every single element of the James Bond openings that I don't like. Women morphing into sand dunes?
Boring... (I can hear a foghorn.)

Casion Royale Opening Vs. Quantum of Solace Opening

Frost X Nixon:

Should have watched Apollo 13 again instead. Ron Howard essentially re-shot the interviews and added some back story. Interesting if you have never seen the interviews and I am sure that it will encourage many people to watch the originals.

I, not knowing what it was, actually borrowed a tape of the interview where Nixon admits that he made mistakes from the library years ago.

"Nixon being interviewed by some silly pomy that I have never heard of? What is this?" I thought and took it home.

The real Nixon is even scarier than the one in this film and you can see him pushing Frost around. I recommend that you just watch the original interviews instead. I am not sure why this movie was nominated for an Academy Award.
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