Jul 02, 2005 15:01
you are looking at a doubly employed person. well, not really looking at me i guess, at least I hope not... anywho, I'm going to be working at Cracker Barrel in Brighton in the evenings and weekends. This will really cut back on my sitting around time but it affords me the opportunity to actually go places while I'm on study abroad so I will not suffer any jokes about how old people tip badly. I've been slowly organizing my room and banishing things to the storage closet until my senior year. I'm opporating on the assumption that when I have two jobs I'm not going to want to reorganize my stuff, I'm just trying to go easy on my future self. it's getting scarily close to my departure date, I leave August 31, in less than 2 months!!! EEEEKK I'm so excited!