Money Talks

Sep 15, 2010 22:50

The rich! They rule entire world
Hold all the wealth that can be held
They drink Champaign, eat trout pie
But - still - they suffer and they die

Octavian was also rich
He had all things his sight could reach
A man of dignity he was
Could tell the contras from the pros

But could not tell a friend from foe
So happened thirty years ago

He had a party at his home
The Prince and Princes came along
They brought a ring and wicked plan
To make a scam and ruin the man

They acted like the ring got lost
Octavian wouldn't think the worst
And being straightforward to his friends
Had promised them to pay amends

He gave them everything he had
That's noble deed but still too bad
Because he died as bum at last
(c) galushchak, 2004

galushchak, genre, money talks, green, russia, 2010, portrait, spring, people, march

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