Nov 17, 2009 05:09
Yeah. It would take something like this to get me to post again, I guess. For those who know me, you know why it's a big deal. For those who don't, it's my favorite movie, and I have a Boondock Saints bumper sticker and a patch on a coat that looks very similar to the wool coats Connor and Murphy wear. I can quote the brothers' prayer, as well as much of the rest of the movie. The only time I've ever killed a PC in LARP, I did it Boondock Saints style with two clanmates. I will bring the movie up whenever possible.
So I saw All Saints Day last night (I'm torn about whether it's last night or tonight... on the one hand, it's 5 in the morning... on the other, I haven't slept yet). I'd had hardcore bad feelings about it. From the moment I learned there was a limited release to the moment I saw a screenshot of a character who dies in the first movie, I had this visceral expectation that I'd be disappointed.
Well, I was surprised. Shocked, even. All Saints Day is a thrilling mix of hilarious one-liners, banter, and comedic situations amidst a serious and action-packed plot. This movie had a lot of exposition in it as well. You learn a lot about the background story in this one.
Overall, I loved it. I laughed loudly and often, and I had a smile on my face throughout a fair portion of the movie. I was thrilled to have seen it in theaters, and I imagine I will see it in theaters at least once more. Perhaps more than that.
I'm really just happy that the fanboy in me didn't have to take a shot to the nuts. I feel like I now owe karma one.
Anyway, if you were on the fence, go see the movie. You'll like it.
And now it's time for me to try to sleep.
boondock saints