What? Fuck me? Well I KNEW you couldn't resist my body very long ! lol.
Quick mask or layer mask? ermmm quick mask I know that I didn't manage to use it for sure, and layer mask...... mmm... what is it? lol. So I probably didn't use it either, or it wasn't purposeful. Daaaaahling :-D Thank you :-*
Well, quick mask is used to protect certain areas of the photo (it turns those areas red and then you can do whatever and never affect those areas). A layer mask is what you use to blend pictures.
I didn't manage the quick mask :-/ It gets red and then i do something on it and then I don't know what to do next lol. Layer mask :-? Mmmmm? Haven't even noticed it existed lol.
*cries* I knooooooooooooow :-/ I was like, ok what did she say already? And I was touching everything and not managing anything that looked like blending...
I know it's red and stuff, but what do I do with the unprotected zone then? Can't manage nothing that the conceptors of the software have ever think of I am afraid :-/ I have no clue :)) Photoshop-illiterate, told you...
what do I do with the unprotected zone then? Well, you do what you want to do. lol You can add effects, you can paint over it... whatever you want. It's good when there's a specific zone that you don't want to touch.
Lucy: borrooooowed, borrooooooo-ooooo-ooowed
Galou: heeeeeaven
We should make a band. lol
We rock so much. :-D
Quick mask or layer mask? ermmm quick mask I know that I didn't manage to use it for sure, and layer mask...... mmm... what is it? lol. So I probably didn't use it either, or it wasn't purposeful. Daaaaahling :-D
Thank you :-*
Layer mask :-? Mmmmm? Haven't even noticed it existed lol.
The quick mask... you have to click the button (makes it red) and then click on it again. The area will be protected.
I know it's red and stuff, but what do I do with the unprotected zone then? Can't manage nothing that the conceptors of the software have ever think of I am afraid :-/ I have no clue :)) Photoshop-illiterate, told you...
Well, you do what you want to do. lol You can add effects, you can paint over it... whatever you want. It's good when there's a specific zone that you don't want to touch.
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