Apr 08, 2008 13:19
Due to one thing or another (but mostly due to a healthy sense of entitlement I mean greed I mean uh okay I mean entitlement) I've stepped up my plans for a KD Bory to 'active' status. In all likelihood I'm going to buy a WS Bory boy at the end of this month, or whenever Luts releases the WS Kid Delfs (Delves?) (hee hee Delves) if they end up running late for whatever Luts-ish reason.
I've been led to understand that Luts doesn't mess up the Kid Delfs nearly as much as they used to mess up CP dolls, but I'm still a little worried that I'll open my box and have been shipped an Ani or a normal-skinned Bory girl or a large rock or something. Granted, my first experience with ordering from Luts went as smoothly as is possible, but equally granted, I bought that doll body back before this last explosion of head-up-assness. I guess there's nothing to do but to try it and see. And hope he doesn't arrive green.
I've never had an MSD-sized doll before, so I'm starting from scratch. (Except for eyes; Kid Delfs wear 16mm eyes, of which I have a plethora.) Since there's nothing here he can wear or use, I've started to collect bits and bobs in anticipation. I ordered his wig last night and bought a couple of appropriate items of clothing off DoA.
A couple, I say. Most of what I could find on a casual search! So much of the MSD clothing available is either too cutesy, crappily made, for MSD girls, or for tiny gothy boy-sluts in knee-high platform boots. I'm trying to make an absolutely normal boyish ten-year-old boy here. I'm not particularly surprised--I went through this exact same problem when I first started building a wardrobe of normal casual clothes for my big boys--but I'm still slightly exasperated.
Volks will come through. Volks always does. And there are a couple of things on Luts' own site that will do. I have eBay, and I have a Celga Gold account for Y!J. I tend to follow Diverse Designs' DoA thread as a matter of course, and now that I actually have plans for an MSD doll, I'll start clicking on other threads that promise MSD clothes for sale. Beyond that, I'm kind of at a loss. Where do you guys get your normal-little-boy MSD clothes?
What I'm really hoping to find is a pair of plain khaki shorts, mid-thigh to above-the-knee, cargo or otherwise, and some decent sneakers. Converse are fine (and are probably what I'll end up with) but I'm really hoping for chunky white sneakers. Without platform soles.
Also a baseball cap. Because damn, man.