Urgh. I've been kind of invisible lately, and I'm sorry. I'll try to get back to commenting soon. x_x
In doll news, I actually have more necklaces than I have doll necks to wear them at the present time. I have acquired a wardrobe of doll necklaces. (And Thomas is too much of a nerd to wear jewelry anyway, making the crush more ridiculous.) Jack's actually wearing two necklaces right now, because I can't bear to part him from his microchip but the orangebabydolly silver tag is equally awesome.
I also got two totally sweet newsboy caps from
this seller on Y!J: a black one and a gray-and-white-pinstriped one. They're a bit too big for the Iplehouse pinhead, as is, well, everything, but not so big that the dolls can't wear them at all. They're also seriously well-made hats. Win.
Iplehouse has boy bodies marked as 'sold out' right now, so I can't replace Beowulf's body yet. Woe. On the brighter side, I'll probably be replacing my poor old camera with a shiny new one next week.