So I'm debating... this weekend.
I really miss Vario, and I'll admit that with just my Mom and I in the house (and then not even that much at the same time) it's been a little lonely. Mom is taking off on Thursday to visit some friends in the States, and returning Monday night. That'll make this house feel super empty. Now, normally a person living at home would be all "YES! Whole house to myself!" [insert party] ...but, I'm really past that stage, I think. Besides, it's not my house, and right now it's hardly in the shape to have people over either :\
Last night Vario said to come down to TO. I'm debating it. But heading down to TO would mean missing out on two soccer games (omg midnight soccer at ottawaU?!) on Saturday and rollerblading on Sunday. Yes,
dateke, I can hear you cursing me already for the potential pre-emptive weekend ditch now that you've regained your weekends ^^;;; Oh, I have a final on Wed too :O
Long distance sucks dead bear.
l i n k o u t s
DDR has it's place for literacy! :O
g33k goes accessory fashion?! ...maybe I should've kept all those junk pc parts :O
Search engine comic, which mochiman has drawn the first two strips :D
Continuing with the g33k.. here are some awesome STARWARS links - OMG A New Hope rap vid... LOL ..we got DeathStar, we got DeathStar, we got DeathStar... XD
- Did YOU line up for STARWARS? LOL the LISPS!!! XD XD XD
- Play with light sabers!!
Some amazing surreal and japanese/anime inspired art by naomii, found in illustrators. Her site is here.