meep meep meep

May 11, 2005 01:43

Mother's Day was pretty relaxed, I made buttermilk pancakes and breakfast sausages for brunch, chauffered Mom in some errands and shopping, and helped clean up the backyard. Then I got a dehydration headache and was useless for the rest of the day ^^;;; Oops. Yesterday was spent organizing my time in terms of short term tasks to be accomplished (gah personal paper work!). Generally, just settling back in to home after been away for a week. Tonight I scored myself a seat for a kimono show and took lots and lots of pictures - so pretty! I'm offloading them from the camera now, and we'll see how many turned out good vs. blurry given that I'm a) not the steadiest digicam hand and b) I was using Vario's big-ass digital SLR (Canon Rebel).

Gotta pump out the art this week, as I can't wait for AN! So excited -- boys and girls, we should throw around ideas for what you want to do while you're in the city. I'm not sure how long I'm sticking around this time, things are up in the air right now (I know a few days is ok, but may not be the whole week like last year).

Speaking of art, I'm also participating in OHSHITSON -- very cool, and now that I have a little more time I can up the effort and time allotment for my submissions (;___;)bb Keeps me drawring!!! (some of you peeps are too awesome T___T) ...and WOE where is my icon? [/mini whine]

r a n d o m l y
  • I got summer tires and nice rims for my car *____*;;;;
  • I have become the ultimate baby fly killer of late ~___~;;; *clapclaphitsmashclap*
  • Had a really good laugh recently over a "cosmetic surgery" story (initial thought: botox?!) about some poor girl's useless boyfriend that in working out also hooked up with drugs. They had an interesting side efffect... his male bits didn't shrivel up; he grew boobs instead. He's had them removed, but apparantly didn't learn the first time as he's going for a SECOND removal surgery. LMAO XD There's just too much fun to be had outta that >:P

    l i n k o u t s
  • This is a nice tutorial site that I spent 10mins at going over the basics of the damn camera. TOO MANY OPTIONS! :O
  • Hey look, a new emote: Orz (thnx to roaldiswack)
  • ew TMI cat moment... which I dedicated to lt001 and Pumba XD;;; (from burntflowers)
  • random surfing brought on... a very wrong pic (NSFW; not perv) It could be your next "no hot linking img" XD XD XD;;;
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