oh hay

May 24, 2011 10:53

Thats right, this exists!


Not much to say, I don't really like posting crap much here anymore. or anywhere! NEED IMMEDIATE INTERACTION. Skype, AIM, irc, etc. (somebody should totally make an IM service named etc. get on that.)

I have my phd all official like, turned in my edited thesis and its deposited. ALL DONE. I am Dr. Spaulding! I am changing everything because I can. :V Part of me was scared some shit would pop up before it was officially conferred. But nope! The diploma is on its way here, I didn't bother to go back to the city for graduation. No point, family couldn't make it and all my friends there were pretty much gone. Ah, the diaspora of academia.

So now people can go 'buh, you type like that and you've got a phd?" rather than 'buh, you type like that and you're published?'. :v Or hell, both!

Which does make me think, and I probably will type a little bit! I see so many people that are surprised when they find out what I do... based on how I act online! Or as mallory put it, to paraphrase 'It amuses me to see you type terribly when I know how smart you are!" I think way too many people are too concerned with 'sounding smart'. I call them 'fake smart people', as they sound like the 'smart people' in tv, movies, and comics. They sound like they have a thesaurus next to them. Its like people think we're RP chars or something and we have X amount of points to spend between brains and emotions, so if you have a lot of one you only get a bit of another. Hell, I know at least one person that I swear this is how he designs his chars. Its fucking stupid, thats what it is.

So, anyway. Right now I have a temp job, as a postdoc here at the Carnegie mooseam in pittsburgh. its till nov 2012 at least. Hopefully way before then though I'll get some tenure track job at a university or mooseam and then people can go 'wtf you type like that and you're a professor?!"

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