I got a jury summons today. At first I was mad but I want to be picked... I wonder if they pay you? I have been so broke lately. I asked for fridays off so I can go hiking and my boss started scheduling me only two days a week. I need to go out and try to find another one but it's starting to get really hot and I only have my bike since my timing belt broke in my car.
I decided not to fix it since it's like twenty years old and it needs lots of electrical work. It's a honda accord and lots of people like to fix them up so I am hoping I can sell it for a few hundred. I should do that soon before it sites for to long... It's already been like four months. On the bright side my legs and but are getting a good workout on my bike.
My cat little biscuit was.gone again for 7 months but came back a few weeks ago. He left wearing a collar but came back without it. You can see that he had been wearing it for a while because his fur it really short where it rubbed his neck. He better stop ditching me!
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