To be considerate I'll post my Fringe thoughts under a cut.
I don't have many thoughts about tonight's episode beyond these three:
+1 The differences in the Olivias was stunning tonight, and I hope more of their differences get highlighted this season.
+2 I am deeply uncomfortable with the erasure of alt!Liv's motherhood, because (I feel) it basically reveals that alt!Olivia's pregnancy was entirely a plot point and served no other purpose. Basically I am lamenting not being able to see alt!Liv's gruff and flirtatious personality be reconciled with her new identity as a mother.
+3 I think they need to relegate the Peter references entirely to Walter's storyline. Leave our wonderful Olivia out of it so she can become buddies with alt!Liv and Red!Lincoln.
My love for the Olivia's is endless. And as
eldritche pointed out when she was watching tonight, alt!Liv is essentially S5 River places in the Fringe universe. And I make the distinction between S5 River and S6 River because they are very much different people. (One of the things about Who that I have despised this series.)