Fic: Noble Mathematicians

Jan 27, 2011 17:01

Title: Noble Mathematicians
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: G
Warnings: Inaccurate depictions of the process of mathematics in academia, italics abuse

A/N: Revised fill for the kinkme_merlin prompt: The story of how they worked together as chemists/physicists/mathematicians/(some sort of scientists) and came up with the Emrys-Pendragon equation/model/theorem/(whatever).
Much thanks to renrenren3 for the quick beta and the wonderful suggestions and insights.

Arthur winced at the sheer amount of red on the manuscript that Merlin dropped on his desk. His ego always took a beating whenever Merlin read his drafts, but the man was thorough, brutally honest, and a little bit brilliant. Quite frankly, Merlin was the only other person at the university Arthur thought might truly understand his research, even if he’d never admit it.

Arthur frowned. “You even edited my title?”

“You named your equation, Arthur, and in the title too! I’m surprised you didn’t make your ego the second author,” Merlin replied.

“I’d be happy to demote you to fourth or fifth authorship,” Arthur threatened. “I’ll just let you languish there in the no-man’s land of middle authors.”

Merlin gave him a knowing smile. “You don’t have enough authors to do that.”

Arthur hated it when Merlin tore down his arguments with logic. He turned back to the manuscript and continued reading.

“What did you scribble next to the title? ‘The Emrys-Pendragon equation would sound better anyways.’” Arthur scowled with distaste. “The ‘Pendragon-Emrys equation’ sounds fine. Dignified. Noble, even!”

Merlin shot him an incredulous look. “No, it doesn’t.”

Arthur ran the palm of his hand down his face. How could someone so smart be so insufferably slow?

"I am not changing the name of the equation," Arthur said. He pulled out a blue pen and emphatically crossed out the 'correction' Merlin made in red across the title of his paper.

"But 'Emrys-Pendragon' just rolls off the tongue," Merlin countered. "It sounds better."

Arthur gaped at him. "’It sounds better?’ That's not even a valid argument!"

Before Merlin could protest, Arthur waved a finger in his face. "I did all the work! I have been slaving away at this equation for two years. You just came in one day, looked at my board, and changed the sign in front of one of the variables."

Merlin stared him down. "It solved the equation, didn't it?" he asked in a firm voice.

Arthur stared back, but he knew he would still be hacking away at the equation with tired eyes if not for Merlin's aptly timed offer to order Thai for another late night at the university. Arthur had let him scrutinize his board while he studied the menu. While Arthur was deciding between red and green curry, Merlin had grabbed a marker and made one fateful and decisive mark on his board.

Merlin was right. He did solve it. Arthur sighed. He hated it when Merlin was right. Merlin had a 'I-Told-You-I-Was-Right’ dance that was unbearable and maybe a little bit adorable.

About half a minute into the impromptu staring contest, Arthur acquiesced, "Fine. 'Emrys-Pendragon' it is." Merlin beamed at him, and Arthur felt less angry already. He hated sometimes how Merlin could shape his mood with a simple quirk of his lips. It was unsettling.

Before Merlin could launch into the first twirl of his dance, Arthur spoke up. "But I'm keeping the medal when we win the Nobel.”

Merlin looked torn between laughter and pity. "Arthur, you do realize there's no Nobel prize for mathematics, right?"

“Yes, you dolt,” Arthur retorted. “Do you realize that this equation will revolutionize the way we understand string theory? They’ll name buildings after us. The ‘Pendragon-Emrys National Institute of Science.’”

“Emrys-Pendragon, you mean,” Merlin corrected with a mischievous grin. "And they wouldn't put an eponym in front of a national institute."

Arthur rolled his eyes. “‘The Emrys-Pendragon Institute of Science.’ It will be legendary.” Arthur slung an arm around Merlin. “We will be legendary.”

fic: merlin

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