Title: The Miseducation of Romanadvoratrelundar (or Two Cobblemice in One Snug Hole)
biichanRating: Teen
Spoilers: Minor ones for Gallifrey: Lies.
Pairing: Braxiatel/Romana I
Summary: His future self's words were blunt and to the point: “Seduce Romanadvoratrelundar.”
A/N: I promised
lizbee 500 words or more of Romana/Braxiatel earlier this summer and although it took awhile, I have come through. Many thanks to
ionlylurkhere for beta reading and making it a better fic than it would have been otherwise. If anyone wonders, the painting in Brax's office is Michaelangelo's
Leda And The Swan.
The Miseducation of Romanadvoratrelundar is here.