Of course, the thing most people seem to be posting about: Doctor Who.
I found it incredible from the off. I thought it was a beautiful episode, thekind that really makes me want to make icons or do a picspam, but of course there's no way I could find time for that. Anyway, it's always interesting to see the Doctor without a companion (although I know that's hardly new for Ten now), and how he handles people. I thought Lindsay Duncan was especially impressive, and I really like Adelaide's back storyline. I don't know, there was just something about this episode that has made it perhaps one of my favourites. I felt kind of heartbroken the whole way through, knowing how it was going to end (for the crew, and for Ten), and the ending was kind of mindblowing. Adelaide's suicide was shocking and kind of brutal, but it felt right, and made the Doctor realise what he'd done. It's weird how much of a catalyst she's been for the Doctor's actions this episode. Anyway, I'm quite surprised this hasn't descended into capslock, because during the episode I was a mess of excitement and shouting at the TV.
Sorry I've been so quite the past few days; I've had a barrage of tests and practical assessments (including one tomorrow, ugh), and have been trying to get to bed as quickly as possible, which sadly limits my internet use. But I think the sleep is worth it. ME + SLEEP = OTP at the minute, for srs.
Also, slighly off topic, but relevant to my interests: I was searching YouTube for videos from the Merlin panel at
last month's Expo, and I came across this little gem (which may or may not embed properly, but it's up
here anyway):
Click to view
You can actually hear my question at 07:40 (I'm the "young lady at the front" lol), so now I have me speaking to Angel Coubly, Katie McGrath and Johnny Capps preserved for all eternity on the internet. It's quite strange that my voice is now on YouTube, but I'm happy and don't care :D
Oh, and last but not least: my birthday is tomorrow, which is kind of kickass, and kind of a downer, but I shall just see how it rolls. So this is me saying goodbye old age, and HELLO NEW SPARKLY AGE on my journal. My third birthday on LJ *pulls party popper*