Meme time again, because this is a continual thing:
1. Post about something that made you happy today even if it's just a small thing.
2. Do this everyday for eight days without fail.
3. Tag eight of your friends to do the same.
Second day: Friday 17th
Going to look around Masson Mill at Matlock Bath today made me happy today. It was a mill from the 18th century where they used to spin cotton, set in a beautiful location. And that means pictures, because I haven't posted any for ages!
Matlock Bath
The outside of the mill, and carpark
They had a room full of thousand of bobbins (the wooden part of a reel of cotton), which were attached to the walls and ceiling; this is a wall...
...And this is a portion of the ceiling
"This way only" sign outside by the river
I like Danger signs, okay.
Okay, I like all signs.
The mill in all its glory
On Sunday we're taking my brother back to university, so he won't be back until early June, after his finals. At least then he'll be home until October, so that'll be nice. I don't think he'll have much time to visit before he comes back for the summer, because he'll be studying, and its a two hour drive from here to his uni, but I'll talk to him via webcam a lot.
On Monday, my easter break is over, which is most woeful, but at least I got a lot of work done these past two weeks. Now, I'll be heading off into what will hopefully be a cheery weekend.