Eee, I've not posted throughout this whole week. It's because my life has been so very boring recently. Anyway, I've attempted to scrape together something that could make a post.
I watched Lost In Austen on Wednesday. It's a new period drama (with a twist) on ITV1, that seems to have the entire cast of everything else in it. There are four people who had guest roles in Doctor Who starring in it, and a couple of people from New Tricks and Green Wing. Being able to recognise people pleases me though, so I count this as a good thing! Anyway the show's really good, so I just thought I'd share that.
In other mildly interesting news, I'll be maintaining the comm
tw_dw_stills, which I first mentioned way back
here, when I was their banner maker. In all honesty, I'd forgotten all about it, but I suddenly remembered it and I'm going round pulling strings, trying to organise it so I can have control. I've already got permission from the founder (who is also the main mod), so I'm currently tracking down the other two. This is me in major plotting and poking mode. If I have my way, I'll be able to reinvent the comm in the next few weeks and get it so that contests run frequently. Is it a good idea considering I have coursework to do? Probably not, but if I can't multi-task, what can I do? (answer = not much xD)
Anyway, I'm going now. I have a cold that has been getting worse gradually all day (probably because of all the rain and bad weather) and now I'm horribly tired. Celebrations for the weekend, where I plan to do nought.