Ha, this is what I get for complaining that LJ was empty; pretty much all of my flist has updated, and so have most of the comms. It's quite...a task to sift through it all, and it doesn't help when my laptop keeps closing Internet Explorer for NO APPARENT REASON. I'm not sure right now, but I may have to call a semi-hiatus from LJ, seeing as my laptop is probably on the home-stretch of its lifespan. It's having a lot of trouble keeping single programs open, even just the internet, which is why I'm again writing this from my brother's laptop.
Seeing as I can't afford to buy a new one, I'll have to wait until my birthday for my parents to get me one, but that's mid-November. I'll have to see what I can do. My brother's so kind, he offered me his laptop until he takes it to university at the start of October, after which I could probably use the main computer, which I can't currently use because it's in his room. There are actually four computers in the house, and I can barely scrape them together to find one. I'd feel horribly guilty commandeering his laptop for a month, seeing as he just got it, so I may just have to wait until he leaves for uni, so I can use the one in his room. I'm really sorry if this makes no sense, but I feel I have to explain, instead of just abandoning you guys.
Anyway, for some reason I've felt like sewing stuff lately. It may be because I'm bored, or it may just be a distraction from work. Personally, I think it's a combination of the two, mostly the latter. My first day back was yesterday, and it was insanely dull. My timetable's even worse than last year, but I can't do anything about that. Anyway, I sewed this thing last night; even I don't know what it is. I call it a Bat-Squeeze! 'Tis based on this logo:
^That's me holding it, just so you can see the size. I intended it to be a small cushion, but it turned out way too small to even be that. Damn my incompetent sewing skills, and lack of material! It's quite good to just hold and squeeze, so I may use it as a little stress-ball thingy.
So, now I'm gonna go try and catch up with all your posts. Have a good weekend y'all (or what's left of it)!