Crossing the street

Jul 25, 2007 06:33

  • When I was an itty-bitty kid during the era of Howdy Doody, I walked to grammar school about a mile away. At the one major crossing I would stop and look both ways. Crossing-guards were not ubiquitous in those days. Perhaps a kindly driver might stop, quickly exit the car and, holding my hand, walk me across the street.

  • When I was around the age of 10 or so, drivers might still stop, politely toot and wave me across in front of their vehicle.

  • By the time I was a smart-ass teenager en route to the soda fountain for a coffee cabinet and Elvis on the jukebox, drivers this time might choose to screech at me as I snottily sashayed in front of them, "Watch where you're fucking going, you stupid jerk! Asshole! I ought to run you over."

  • Later, in my adulthood, they would come to a halt without the deprecations, just revving and grimacing in impatience.

  • As I grew even older and negotiated the same intersection looking like a local citizen of significance, drivers might stop, pleasantly toot-toot, and smile me across.

  • Nowadays I hobble in saliva-drooling senescence in search of Depends or Fleet enemas at Walgreen's. Drivers again come to a complete halt. Occasionally one might exit his vehicle and, taking my hand, walk me across with an air of benevolent pity.

Crossing the street has come full circle.

life, cars, drivers, street, crossing

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