Apr 04, 2011 22:14
A film-exhibition-history researcher contacted me today asking where I might have seen Raiders of the Lost Ark in 1981. I e-mailed him back:
"I first saw Raiders of the Lost Ark on June 18, 1981 at the Lincoln Mall Cinemas in Lincoln, RI. I saw it again a month later on August 26 at the Imperial Theatre in Montreal. I noted that it was shown there in 70mm and Dolby sound. I was in Montreal for the World Film Festival and squeezed that in as well, primarily to take advantage of the high-quality presentation.
"Now this next bit is not useful to your research, but at the Festival, that evening of August 26 around midnight, I caught a special showing in its North American premiere of Rainer Werner Fassbinder's film Lola. The director was on hand to introduce it. He had brought his newly-finished film in his luggage.
"The print of this German-language movie had no subtitles. The festival staff distributed headphones for simultaneous translation in French or English. It was a privileged event. Less than a year later, the following June, Fassbinder would die from heart failure brought on by heavy use of sleeping pills and cocaine."