I live in a neighborhood of Rhode Island where, within a three-minute walking distance, there are four streets named after major Italian cities. All are called "avenues" -- Rome, Naples, Venice, Genoa, though they are narrow itty-bitty residential streets and hardly resemble anything like avenues. Vicoli, sì; corsi, no.
Shiploads of immigrants from Italy settled in this suburb of Providence in the early decades of the 20th Century, as did my parents. So it is easy to understand why so many streets would have been named in tribute to the "old country." I played on these unmean streets as a child with the other neighborhood Italian-American kids.
Heck, I forgot to mention that my father had our street named after himself. It's the same as his and our family's last name. All my life I have had to answer the question "Did you have your street named after you?".
This afternoon I traveled the full length of Roma, Genova, Napoli, and Venezia...and it didn't cost me even one euro! And I returned home to the street with my last name. Beato me!
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