What, no gonorrhea in Gomorrah?

Aug 07, 2008 08:45

We know the story from the Book of Genesis of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah that were supposedly destroyed for their sinfulness, so much so that Sodom has become forever linked with behaviors summed up by the word sodomy.

What I want to know is why, relatively speaking, Gomorrah has gotten off the hook somewhat. I mean, yeah, it is always associated as a twin city with the nefarious place they call Sodom, as St. Paul is to Minneapolis. Now, please, Minnesotans, that's a geographical analogy only!

But I need to know why there is no such sin as gomorrahmy? If there is, then how does it differ from sodomy? How exactly do I gomorrahmize someone? What states of the union still have anti-gomorrahmy laws on the books? If the answers are negative, then why is that so? Citizens of ancient Gomorrah, I say to you rise up and demand equal recognition! Demand too a gomorrahtorium on the rather snootily exclusive term sodomy.

sins, sodom, gomorrah, words, sodomy

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