Oct 31, 2014 01:00
Yesterday at work was kind of miserable, I got scratched, scraped, gouged and I actually slipped and fell while trying to move a large box quickly. My fingers got mushed under a large frame and I have more than one bruise that I'm not sure where it came from. I was tasked with cleaning the frame shop thoroughly, which kicked up a lot of dust, then before I was even done was pressured by a different manager to clean elsewhere (not my department, but it is their prerogative to reassign me) though the shop really should take priority when customers' artwork needs to be put away which it did. I hadn't even had a break when between trying to do the two tasks at once I had a customer, and she didn't purchase her frame that day (which the company considers me wasting company time... I see it as performing customer service, if they're satisfied with the help they'll come back.) I have the habit of designing TOO well, I show them something they really love, but when they say they can't afford it I show them a design they can, they don't like it well enough to buy it. This customer liked what she saw. I believe she'll come back. Then when it came time to clock out the same manager who had pressured me to abandon my normal post said, "oh, I already clocked you out to save time, but can you still do this work-related task"... aren't I supposed to be paid for all work they have me do?