Oct 23, 2004 21:11
This is for my 3 readers...
gah my life is boring! Ok well umm today was the pumpkin festival it was fun,and for a good a cause. I'm nice. however, I left smelling of pumpkin and a random streak of red in my hair? Why are people riding the train so funny?Never a bad time EVER!! Yah so some guy comes on the train, who we later found out was a drug dealer?, boasting about the redsox. We just kinda giggled it off. Michelle trying to capture every moment of the day snaps a picture of him. Michelle must have forgot that the flash was on,and he calls her on it. This was just the perfect opportunity for this crazy crazy man to talk to us. But to make a long story short Andy wound up calling this guy girlfriend and friend and talking to them? I was scared for my life. ehh i love the train!
What was last night? o yeah home coming!...the ill good time! Good dancing,geek porn,and sandwhiching. mm i love homecoming dances! Melissa won queen ...I was excited. Nancy was more excited, too excited. She walks around the house with melissa tiara on and sash?wierd? yeah.
I like how Ally talks. You know how she always says amazing and mmm?...and how she refers to my mother as nancy(cause thats her name) eh idk what im really getting at.
I feel kinda like i should be watching the game? Does neone else find it gay how people are like reverse the curse I BELIEVE!!!...cause i do! Ehh im not into the whole "BOSOX" bit. Its currently 7-2..or so i read on someone away message. cool.
I think everyone kinda feels the same way , but i also miss the hugs and such.I wanna cuddle up and talk about her, and cry till i've run out of tears. I miss her so much! I keep thinking of random memories. I wish I could just be with her again. I dont get how this could happen to someone so young? Why her? Why Stoughton? Thing like this arnt supposed to happen to us! I know shes here with us but always but shes so out of reach. uhh idk!
I need ice cream.and sugar cookie
k Bye!