Following is a list of words I will pretend not to know when making a spectacle to the press this week.
Libertine (Again. I’ll say the first time didn’t sink in)
So far we’ve had sold out shows, so it works and I’m not one to break the machine. There’s my contribution to promoting our band.
But there’s only so much I can do when being constantly undermined by the sad cunt currently masquerading as Noel Gallagher.
This can’t be my brother because Gallaghers are never that fucking boring nor are they that fucking stupid.
But. I see common sense has finally prevailed and he has taken it upon himself to crawl back behind the toilet where he belongs. At least for the next five weeks. Hopefully, when he decides to pull his head out of his arse, he’ll remember who the fuck he is and also, that he’s from fucking Manchester.
This is my brother. A £50 reward goes to the first bastard who finds him and sends him home in a box.