
Aug 05, 2012 14:44

Нашла прекрасный сайт. Это такой тематический оньйон.
Ответы на все вопросы. Что ни статья то шедеврь.

Из статьи про Бена Аффлека:
"Oh, you say the Internet Gremlins aren't real? That there actual real human beings who send spam, post pornography, and make up ridiculous Jewish rumors?
Please, no REAL people have the free time to sit around figuring out who might or might not be Jewish."

Из статьи про Майкла Фелпса:
"We are often asked, how do we select who to profile for this website. Our answer was, we let a trained monkey pick names out of a hat.
And we understand those readers. We ourselves would love it if the greatest Olympic champion of all time was Jewish. Hell, we often thought of starting that rumor in this very space... but then the whole integrity thing comes in.
So Phelps is not Jewish. And neither is the other most-requested person out there: George Bush, and we have no idea why anyone would think otherwise. So he is not getting his own profile, no matter how many times we are asked. We even removed his name from the hat in case we ever get a new monkey."

Ну и так далее.


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