Jun 20, 2011 14:29
Because I didn't get it the first one hundred times she said it...
I had emailed the naturopath to check to see if she had actually run one of the tests she said she was going to. She hadn't but she asked me how the food elimination was going so I answered this way:
I am cutting out the things that were level three (moderate) and above. Most of what's in that category, strangely, are things I don't eat already so I have no problem avoiding coffee, crab, blueberries, and cranberries.
Sesame seeds are harder to avoid because most asian foods include them and so do all versions of hummus. Dairy, of course, is in everything (including bread) so that is much harder than the rest to avoid. Even products that don't contain dairy often have warnings that they are manufactured on equipment that comes in contact with dairy. I'm not really sure if I should be worried about that sort of cross contamination or not. I doubt there would be a high enough level of content to really warrant concern.
Here response (which doesn't even bother to address the cross-contamination issue I raised) was this:
I'd be most concerned about those things that have dairy additives like whey which is added to many things. The safest way to eat is eating unpackaged items that have nothing extra added - meats, vegetables, fruits, and to be sure to wash the fruit to avoid the yeast possibilities. Fresh breads from Great Harvest or others similarly prepared may have no dairy, or hidden ingredients. I know it isn't easy, but hopefully will be worth it all in a month or so. Good luck!
Obviously she does not comprehend my hatred of food preparation or she would not keep repeating this inane advice. It is a given that I'm going to shop for packaged foods. I'm even going to eat at restaurants sometimes. Did you know that Wendy's burger buns don't contain dairy? I know it now.