(NON)Pennsic Meme

Jul 30, 2010 11:30

Thanks Eloise your idea got me off the pity party!

1.  Where are you camping?
I'm spending part of First Week at the beach, then heading home to the skunk zone near the CT River (yes I'm annoyed at my seasonal visitors arrived early!), and spending a fair bit of time at Corporate Overlord wishing I were 300 yards north in the woods along the Muddy River.

2.  When are you arriving?
I get back to the skunk zone Sunday, to CorporateOverlord Monday morning.

3.  What cool stuff are you doing? 
Swimming. Inviting the neighbor kids over for a playdate to celebrate having salvaged the main area of the house.  Running around the block while Victoria rides her new bike.  Processing data sheets.  Watching my trainee/friend at work begin to realize she's getting really good at working with the product labels.  Processing backlogged paperwork at home.

4.  What's your SCA name?
Lady Emme Attewater ... although the AoA actually went to me under my newbie name Aiofe O'Kirwan ... Yes I answer to Auntie Em... You can call me anything you want but don't call me late for breakfast.  (Believe me, you dont' want to deal with me low-blood-sugared...apologies to those of you who helped me figure that out the hardway.)


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