May 22, 2006 18:23
Maybe its something about the warm wheater getting me excited for OnStage, or maybe it's just Post Show Withdrawl finally catching up with me, or maybe its just my dysfunctional version of Spring Fever, but the Theatre Geek who was for so long at bay inside of me is coming out full force.
Last week for no particular reason I felt the need to listen to All Shook nothing sparked it, I got into the car on Thursday and said "Hey, I feel like listening to All Shook Up." I can't explain it.
Then today I work I was standing running bowling, very very bored. So, my inner theatre geek started stirring and then for no explicable reason I began the OLDEST theatre geek "I'm bored and need to pass time" trick in the book.
"December 24th 9 PM eastern standard time..."
I sang as far through the RENT CD as much as is neccesary to take up time...I got to Tango: Maureen before any one came over.
Sorry guys, I fell off the wagon...