Apr 08, 2009 09:35
I am currently so busy I can barely wrap my head around the fact that we're already part way through April. Where the hell did January, February and March got to? Gahhhhh!! I wanted to post an entry to apologize to anyone who was hoping I'd be keeping up with my fic postings, as I have been somewhat remiss in that area. We're currently in the process of moving apartments as we discovered a mold problem so big in our current location that I think it would give the plant in "Zero Hour" a run for it's money. YEchhhhh, and explains why my wife and I have been so sick these past two years.
When we have settled into our new place I promise to write and post a new fanfic. Honestly!!!
Only there is one catch - what should said fanfic be about? I will happily take in suggestions to help kickstart my muses. Slashfic, shipfic, regular ol'fic, AU fic...you name it, I'll try it. Do, please, keep it within the realm of known fandoms so I don't have to research. (Stargate, Buffy, Angel, Water Rats, Due South, Pushing Daisies, Get Smart, Harry Potter, Doctor Who and Farscape) You can ask about other ones but I can promise anything!