Sitting here at home, waiting while my car is being repaired ... again. Shouldn't be that surprised; it is a ten year old car and, no matter the care and maintenance that is given, there are some things which just simply have to give.
Anyway, started surfing the net and saw the latest in the 'saga' of Ellen and Iggy ... apparently, Ellen has cancelled taping for the weekend and they will resume on Tuesday. According to a spokesperson, "It's been a long week and a tough week and we decided to take a long weekend and be back on Tuesday." (;_ylt=AtahpT7ug0CdJkwYpizdGK0VkmwF)
It also seems that Ellen has vowed not to make any more pleas until "Iggy is back with her hairdresser."
I wasn't really aware of what happened here; we do get Ellen here in the Philippines but I'm not sure if it's current or somewhat delayed. Still, the issue seems to have picked up quite a bit of interest (I think) if one were to judge by news coverage. Most especially the claim of the animal rescue people that they've been receiving threats, death threats and more which has (as I recall yesterday's news items) is causing them a bit of 'emotional anguish' and so on ...
Why do I suddenly have a vision of a horde of lawyers making a beeline for the animal shelter? The weirdest thing is that what I see are lawyers in grey suits, loping along as if they were coyotes or jackals ... too much Animal Planet for me, perhaps. Or does the words "threats, death threats and emotional anguish" seem like waving slices of raw meat in the air ... sort of an incentive for the heat-seeking lawyers to home in on?
:sigh: Maybe I'm biased about lawyers. :whistling: Still, my advice to the women - ladies? - who run that animal rescue thingy ... do what a Philippine lady senator said: "I eat death threats for breakfast."
Nice soundbite ... the problem was, everyone was asking "Who made the death threats in the first place?"
Anyway ... honestly, I like Ellen. She comes across as credible, someone nice to know ... a concerned human being. While the animal rescue people ... well, take a look at the subject heading.
Maybe I'm biased and jumping into things without hearing both sides; well, I haven't seen Ellen's 'emotional' on-air appeals but - based on news reports - the thing seems straightforward.
Ellen adopts dog; signs contract to "care, protect and defend the mutt." After some time, the mutt doesn't get along with Ellen's cats ... so she passes the mutt on to her hairdresser who has two kids who (if Ellen's stories are true) absolutely adore the mutt. However, rescue people find out and - waving their contracts - 'remove' the dog from the loving home. And, from what Ellen supposedly said, with not even a 'hello, we'd like to check if the dog is in a good home' kind of thing ...
They (the rescue people) apparently came in and 'busted' the mutt out of his adoptive home.
Legally, they may have every right to do so ... as they said (and Ellen admits it), they have a contract signed which spells out the things that are supposed to be done. What apparently irked Ellen was the way they went about 'correcting' her mistake - as it sounds, they may have even dragged a SWAT team along to rescue the poor mutt from a traumatic hostage situation ... the mutt was being held hostage by two pre-teens!
What really surprises me is the reaction of the 'rescue' people - "we will not be bullied by Ellen Degeneris! This is causing us mental and emotional anguish!"
Who did the bullying in the first place, I wonder?
I don't think Ellen would have gone on nationwide TV to make her 'appeal' unless she herself was shocked and dismayed by what happened. I mean, come on ... this is not something life or death, or even something mahor in the total scheme of things. But for Ellen to have gone on air over something like this ... something must have pushed her to do something drastic.
I can't really be sympathetic to the 'rescue' people. Their reactions are so ... "we have a contract! she violated the contract! we won't be bullied! emotional distress!"
I'm just waiting for the next step ... "settlement!"
What was it that Shakespeare said? "The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"?
I won't include Sarah in that, however.
'Nuff said.
Ranting off.