My Sims: The Pleasants

Jan 12, 2010 16:30


I will show my Pleasants...


Complicated family...I don't know what to do with them...(sigh)


I know that I usually don't write much but, this time is because I'm having a hard head it's so blank right now that I can't really concentrate myself at anything..the reson: well, my boss yelled at me in a not very nice way, was totally unfair and that really hurt me So I spend a lot of time crying today (I tend to cry a lot when I'm really  nervous, stressed and pissed off) Now that I'm "dry" my head refuses to work (like I don't have nothing important to do!!)...I want to refuge in my husband lap or in my Sims but I can't have none before I arrive, I decided to have a little bit os Sims in a post :P

Thank you for being there * 

sims makeover

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